I just switched my domain registrar, and for some reason this new registrar does not allow its users to update their CNAME records themselves; I had to send an email to support and ask them to set up the records for me. I don't know how long it will take them.
I believe I now have my redirects set up correctly to get you where you need to go until I have my CNAMEs, but for a few minutes I had blog.pictureeachday.com and pictureeachday.blogspot.com trying to redirect to each other in an infinite loop.
Anyway, if that was all gibberish to you, the point is this: I think that you should still be able to see my blog and all my photos just like usual, but if you have trouble with any of it please let me know. Unless you can't even get to my blog to read this post, in which case.. sorry.
11 years ago
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